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Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy

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Issue 3, 2006

Access_open In memoriam: Popke Wieger (Bob) Brouwer (1952-2006)

Keywords overlijden, legaliteit, burgerlijk recht, erkenning, introductie, magazijn, medewerker, ondertekening, opzet, overleden
Authors J. Hage

J. Hage

Access_open The Possibility of Intercultural Law

Keywords claim, media, kind, concern, convergentie, interest, patiënt
Authors G. Drosterij, M. Hildebrandt and L. Huppes-Cluysenaer

G. Drosterij

M. Hildebrandt

L. Huppes-Cluysenaer

Access_open Legal Traditions and the Separation Thesis

Keywords character, identiteit, claim, leasing, elektronisch geld, houdstervennootschap, reputatie, bus, e-mail, film
Authors H.P. Glenn

H.P. Glenn

Access_open Separation, Integration and Citizenship, reply to Glenn

Keywords claim, identiteit, model, subsidie, binding, democratie, interest, joint venture, leasing
Authors R. Pinxten

R. Pinxten

Access_open The Necessity of Categories and the Inevitability of Separation, reply to Glenn

Keywords claim, character, identiteit, reputatie, computer, leasing, making, media
Authors R. Pierik

R. Pierik

Access_open De-essentialising Across the Board. No Need to Speak the Same Language

Keywords claim, making, identiteit, leasing, concern, kind, contract, convergentie, deurwaardersexploot, identificatie
Authors J. Brakel

J. Brakel

Access_open Crosscultural Communication in Language and Law, reply to Van Brakel

Keywords identiteit, incest, leasing, amfetamine, binding, concern, E-business, identificatie, interest
Authors M. Loth

M. Loth

Access_open Unlikely Candidates for Paradigmatic Cases of Intercultural Communication, reply to Van Brakel

Keywords film, media, leasing, claim, identificatie, interest, concern, character, privacy, E-business
Authors W. Staat

W. Staat

Access_open The Legal and Moral Dimensions of Solidarity

Keywords claim, model, baby, carry, gedogen, identiteit, interest, kind, mededinging, service
Authors A. Zijderveld

A. Zijderveld

Access_open Legal Cultures, Legal Traditions and Comparative Law

Keywords claim, kind, alternatieve geschillenbeslechting, interest, leasing, mediation, modellenrecht, rector
Authors M. Hoecke

M. Hoecke

Access_open Sharia - A Flexible Notion

Keywords claim, model, bank, bear, E-business, handelsnaam, interest, internet, kind, rechtsstaat
Authors M. Berger

M. Berger

Access_open The Precision of Vagueness, interview with H. Patrick Glenn

Keywords claim, contract, leasing, character, kind, model, computer, concern, hergebruik van afvalstoffen, identificatie

Access_open Editorial afterthoughts: The Liberal-Fundamentalist Cookbook

Keywords media, bear, character, contract, interest, leasing, making, model, rechtscollege, service
Authors G. Drosterij

G. Drosterij

Access_open Separation and Multivalence: Opposing or Compatible Notions?

Keywords claim, concern, loon, making, privacy, civiele rechtspraak, houdstervennootschap, leasing

Access_open Respecting Differences by Idealised Language

Keywords switch, observer, houdstervennootschap
Authors L. Huppes-Cluysenaer

L. Huppes-Cluysenaer

Citation format

Would you like to cite a publication in the Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy? You could do this in the following way:

Christoph Kletzer, ‘Absolute Positivism’, NJLP 2013/2 p. 87-99